duminică, 11 decembrie 2011

Today the question: how to get rid of acne fast

Acne is a skin condition that ranges from mild to chronic and can appear on various areas of the body, although the face is the most common spot. Although acne is generally associated with teenagers, it can affect people of all ages. Aside from its obvious physical effects, it can also cause serious emotional and self-esteem problems. Learn the truth about this extremely common yet potentially serious condition through the information presented in the following article.Here you can find some tips on how to get rid of acne fast.

De-seed it, add it to 1-2 tablespoons of Sesame oil and blend it together. Then, use a washcloth to lightly spread it across your face. If acne is not very pronounced with this treatment you can see how to get rid of acne fast.

Having acne can contribute to low self esteem and self worth. When your face is the first thing people see, and you feel like it is blemished, it can become difficult to feel comfortable talking to people. You may feel like they are only looking at your blemishes, and possibly judging you. One more reason to learn how to get rid of acne fast.

An important tip to consider when concerning acne is to try using a natural mix of turmeric, coconut oil, and curd. This is great for your skin and a perfect solution for clearing acne on your face. You will want to make the solution into a paste-like consistency and apply directly.

An important tip concerning acne treatments, is to try using a combination of neem oil and turmeric, as a natural way to clear up acne. This is good because you avoid using harsh chemicals, plus, it is an uncommon method that may work perfectly for you. Apply directly and rinse off after 15 minutes.

Prevention is part of the methods to get rid of acne how fast. Another way you can improve your acne is to understand that it actually comes from what you put into your body. Doctors have suggested that a low carb diet will reduce problem breakouts. Try to reduce the amount of breads and sugars that you are eating on a daily basis, and your face will thank you.

Large amounts of sweat make your skin more prone to breakouts. If you insist on going to a sauna, be sure to wash your face thoroughly when you are done.

If you have problems with acne in your T-zone, get the right products to help fight it. Gel based cleansers work well for oily areas. Also, find a good astringent to eliminate extra oils. Finding a targeted facial mask for the T-zone to use once a week will dry up oil problems. Pore strips and blotting strips will also help for a quick fix.

If you suffer from severe acne and no treatment has ever worked, you may want to see a dermatologist and ask for an accutane prescription. Accutane is the strongest acne drug available and can successfully clear your skin when nothing else has worked. Accutane has a number of very serious side effects, so it should only be used as a last resort.

luni, 24 octombrie 2011

Apply ice packs on the acne affected skin

The very first thing you need to do in order to get rid of acne fast is keep your skin clean. Make sure you wash your face in the evening before going to bed. This is crucial because during the day, the skin will come in contact with dust, or it will secret extra sebum which needs to be cleaned.

Use a mild soap and then pat the skin dry. During the day you should also, clean your face by splashing water and then drying it. Another thing you have to do is use Benzoyl peroxide as it will do a lot to your acne affected skin. The way it takes action is by opening the dead skin cells and brings bacteria to justice. Moreover, it will dismiss the oil which clogs up the pores.

A different advice, your mother probably made sure you know this one, is do not touch the sore skin. Although your hands look very clean, if you touch the zits you are making it worse. I’m sorry to say, but just this time, take your mother’s advice.
Here’s another one, apply ice packs on the acne affected skin. The ice helps because it punctures the swelling and helps unclog the pores due to its low temperature. By doing this, your skin will get healed faster and you will be able to say goodbye to acne faster.
Although this may sound all nice and easy to do, here’s some hard advice: you will need to change your diet a bit too if you want to get rid of acne.

You should drink a lot of water, at least 8 glasses a day, and avoid products containing cocoa and nuts, or seeds. These will affect your skin if you continue having them in big quantities.

My advice stops here, so good luck in your fight against acne. Remember you can do it, if you set your mind to it!

vineri, 23 septembrie 2011

Image is important, get rid of acne!

Everybody agrees that acne looks really bad, feels bad and makes you feel bad. Especially if you get it during your teen years, and everybody else’s skin looks clean and nice. The trouble is that you are most likely to get it during puberty or your teen years, because of the hormonal changes in your body.

Unfortunately, in the image driven society we live in, that seldom means your social life will not be doing so well. Unless you have an amazing sense of humor and great charisma, acne will get you in trouble.

High school is a tough place to be as it is, without being a social outcast. The truth is acne will not define you, however, in time, you may develop a very low self-esteem and act upon it in society.

These are plenty of reasons to get rid of acne and to do it ASAP. The good news is you shouldn’t give up, you still have a good chance coming out ‘clean’ on the other side. There are so many remedies which actually work. I know, you’re saying you’ve tried them all and nothing has worked. Just keep at it, be perseverant things rarely happen overnight.

When you started having zits you were probably wondering ‘what on earth is going on here?’ You were just fine a couple of months ago, and now your face is looking like a battle field. Don’t worry there are so many of us who have been in your shoes, you’d be amazed.

In simple words, what happens is, as your body starts to get more mature, it secrets more hormones causing an increased production of secretions and several bonus chemical by-products.

As a result to this, your face will get a not so nice ‘makeover’: blackheads, whiteheads, zits etc. It’s like a sports event, black or white, make your choice. Well, if those start to get infected, that’s when you really get into trouble.

vineri, 5 august 2011

Healthy eating is always a good way to start getting rid of acne fast

Water helps remove toxins which are harmful to your body. This will help your body eliminate and stop acne from reappearing. The recommended amount of water to be drunk daily is around eight glasses per day.

Another way which can help you get rid of acne fast is garlic. As an acne remedy, garlic needs to be massaged on your face a number times a day, for a whole week. By doing this, the garlic will help clean your pores and stop acne causing bacteria from approaching our skin.

Using rosehip seed oil is another advice recommended in our quest on how to get rid of acne fast. Even cosmetic products use this to help with acne. Rosehip seed oil will work on the scars acne usually leaves behind. In order for it to work, you need to massage the acne affected parts of your body for around fifteen minutes, several times a day.

Healthy eating is always a good way to start getting rid of acne fast. You need to develop healthy eating habits. Avoid foods which are too high in sugar, saturated fats or vegetable oils. Here are a number of foods you might wish to avoid in order to get rid of acne fast: processed foods, fast food, cookies, chocolates and cakes. On the other hand, your diet should include healthy food such as fruits and vegetables, tuna, turkey or chicken breasts.

Acne may be caused by both internal and external factors. It is very important for you to look into the reasons why your acne appeared and be ready to fight against it whatever the cost might be. You first need to identify the factors in order to know how to avoid it and stop it from ruining your skin.

Professionals say that the best way to get rid of acne fast is by keeping a good balance between two factors which influence acne the most: good skin hygiene and a good diet.

miercuri, 6 iulie 2011

Factors for the development of acne

Factors for the development of acne
An estimation of how many people around the world suffer from acne sums it up to sixty million people. Acne is a medical condition, related to an important skin problem which “harasses” without making distinctions between people. The first thing you need to do if you wish to get rid of your acne problem is look into the most frequent causes for this skin condition.

One important factor which can cause acne is the food we choose to eat. If your eating habits include foods rich in sugar and carbohydrates you will be predisposed to acne. Moreover, if you eat many fats and oils, this can create a hormonal unbalance and cause your skin to erupt in acne. Best types of food recommended are fruits, vegetables, low fat milk, cottage cheese, and light meats.
Teenagers usually have acne due to some special types of hormones, named Androgen hormones. These hormones also have the tendency to grow during menstruation and pregnancy. This is the reason why many women suffer from breakouts during their menstrual cycle and during their pregnancy.
Research shows that another factor in developing acne is stress. Stress is known to be related to an increase in cortisol production, which causes acne. If you are stressed, your body goes through hormonal changes and the skin is likely to produce more oil.
The psychological effects of this skin condition are often low self-esteem because of the embarrassment acne causes, especially in the lives of teenagers. Although the market is filled with products directed at acne issues, it is difficult to choose an efficient product.
Here are some tips on how to get rid of acne fast. First of all, try drinking a lot of water.

vineri, 10 iunie 2011

Cure acne without using any harmful chemicals


Many people suffer from acne. They are forced to buy the right medicine but reading the prescription they learn about the chemicals that compound the treatment and that they do not want to use. So, they search for treatments that can be done at home for acne. Below are some things that can be tried by everyone who suffers from acne.

1. Essential oils like Tea Tree Oil, Bergamot Oil, Clove Oil, Lavender Oil and Rosewood oil can be applied. For a sensitive skin, you should dilute the oil used with another kind of oil like grape seed oil. The oil must be applied before going to bed at night. You’ll wash it in the morning with a pure soap, like Ivory soap, and clean water.
2. In case that you’re not taking any medication that could cause you a tenderness to the sun, you try getting some sunshine everyday for some minutes. The reason is not tan to hide the acne because the sun has the role of killing the bacteria, drying up the sebum oil that the bacteria produces. This home treatment is a common one and it doesn’t cost anything; it can be used for free.
3. The exposed skin surfaces are those areas where there are most sebaceous glands: face, chest, shoulders and back. Acne can also be found on the arms and thighs, but cases are extremely rare. It appears from inside of the body. To prevent it in some ways, you should drink plenty of water- at least eight glasses per day- it help to detoxify your body and cure the acne. You should also eat many fresh fruit and vegetables.
4. Because home treatment for acne is more preferable, you can apply an oatmeal mask for at least once or twice a week. You must cook the outmeal, and while it is warm(not scalding hot) apply i ton your face. Let the outmeal mask to dry, and then wash it. The outmeal mask can be used dried, dampened, but not cooked with warm water as a facial scrub to exfolliate the skin and clean the pores.