miercuri, 6 iulie 2011

Factors for the development of acne

Factors for the development of acne
An estimation of how many people around the world suffer from acne sums it up to sixty million people. Acne is a medical condition, related to an important skin problem which “harasses” without making distinctions between people. The first thing you need to do if you wish to get rid of your acne problem is look into the most frequent causes for this skin condition.

One important factor which can cause acne is the food we choose to eat. If your eating habits include foods rich in sugar and carbohydrates you will be predisposed to acne. Moreover, if you eat many fats and oils, this can create a hormonal unbalance and cause your skin to erupt in acne. Best types of food recommended are fruits, vegetables, low fat milk, cottage cheese, and light meats.
Teenagers usually have acne due to some special types of hormones, named Androgen hormones. These hormones also have the tendency to grow during menstruation and pregnancy. This is the reason why many women suffer from breakouts during their menstrual cycle and during their pregnancy.
Research shows that another factor in developing acne is stress. Stress is known to be related to an increase in cortisol production, which causes acne. If you are stressed, your body goes through hormonal changes and the skin is likely to produce more oil.
The psychological effects of this skin condition are often low self-esteem because of the embarrassment acne causes, especially in the lives of teenagers. Although the market is filled with products directed at acne issues, it is difficult to choose an efficient product.
Here are some tips on how to get rid of acne fast. First of all, try drinking a lot of water.

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