vineri, 23 septembrie 2011

Image is important, get rid of acne!

Everybody agrees that acne looks really bad, feels bad and makes you feel bad. Especially if you get it during your teen years, and everybody else’s skin looks clean and nice. The trouble is that you are most likely to get it during puberty or your teen years, because of the hormonal changes in your body.

Unfortunately, in the image driven society we live in, that seldom means your social life will not be doing so well. Unless you have an amazing sense of humor and great charisma, acne will get you in trouble.

High school is a tough place to be as it is, without being a social outcast. The truth is acne will not define you, however, in time, you may develop a very low self-esteem and act upon it in society.

These are plenty of reasons to get rid of acne and to do it ASAP. The good news is you shouldn’t give up, you still have a good chance coming out ‘clean’ on the other side. There are so many remedies which actually work. I know, you’re saying you’ve tried them all and nothing has worked. Just keep at it, be perseverant things rarely happen overnight.

When you started having zits you were probably wondering ‘what on earth is going on here?’ You were just fine a couple of months ago, and now your face is looking like a battle field. Don’t worry there are so many of us who have been in your shoes, you’d be amazed.

In simple words, what happens is, as your body starts to get more mature, it secrets more hormones causing an increased production of secretions and several bonus chemical by-products.

As a result to this, your face will get a not so nice ‘makeover’: blackheads, whiteheads, zits etc. It’s like a sports event, black or white, make your choice. Well, if those start to get infected, that’s when you really get into trouble.

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